E d u c a t i o n
Present Ph.D. in the Arts|BrusselsArtsPlatform (RITCS+VUB)
2o19 Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp – DKO|Ebeniste - Joiner
2o17 SCVO Encora|Furniture Design
2o12 SCVO Encora|Teacher Training
2o11 Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp – DKO|Scenography
2o1o University Antwerp|Master after Master Theatre Sciences
2oo5 University Antwerp|Master Product design
L i g h t i n g D e s i g n
2o24 KWP / Anne-Laure Vandeputte | My body as a commodity
KWP / Lydia McGlincy | MADDOG
Elke Van der Keelen | A Play of Space
2o23 Opera Ballet Vlaanderen|Extant
BOG collective|Bog.2
Vera Tussing|(Un)-staging Tactility
Laika/Aminata Demba|Bazar
2o22 Tuning People-Karolien Verlinden|FeL
Igor Shyshko, Logan Lopez Gonzalez, Alain Franco,Kunst/Werk, De Munt & KVS|Malus
Mercedes Dassy|Ruuptuur
2o21 Annelies Vanhullebusch|Boek-Steen-Papier
Playfield|I remember
Helena Dietrich|Pelvic Bath
2o2o Irene K|Matki
Moya Michael|Coloured Swan 3: Harriet’s Remix
Alexander Vantournhout.not standing|Through the Grapevine
Post Uit Hessdalen,hetpaleis|Licht Lichter Liegt
Vilma Pitrinaite,Sabina Scarlat|MATCH2
Mercedes Dassy|B4summer
2o19 Igor Shyshko, Tale Dolven|preCARRYus
Vera Tussing, MP4 Quartet|Tactile Quartet(s)
Tom Adjibi, Mercedes Dassy|TWYXX
WSB - WorkSpaceBrussels, Dan Mussett, Laurent Delom|dduett
2o18 Posthuman vzw|Mute Silent Art Festival
LAPvzw|Level Q
Sint-Norbertuschurch|Opening concert Baroque organ
Mercedes Dassy, La Balsamine|i-Clit
motschnik, verein fur feine kunst|Frosh und Tigerente
2o17 s p a t i e, wpZimmer|Imagine Moving Rocks
Hanafubuki|Una casa cascata
2o16 Rooftoptiger|Lightsculptures Wintering Festival Dendermonde
Voetvolk|We’re Pretty Fucking Far From Okay
2o15 Voetvolk|Lisbeth Gruwez dances Bob Dylan
Nona, Nono C|Copycat
keski.e.space, s p a t i e|Tangents
2o14 Danspunt|Dance IMPACT
Voetvolk|AH | HA
2o12 Musical van Vlaanderen|Margueritte S.
2o11 Voetvolk|It’s going to get worse and worse and worse, my friend
R e s i d e n c y & R e s e a r c h
2o24 LUMINAL* | Residency at Destelheide
2o23 Luminal SPACE|data collection at I Love Science Festival Innoviris - Tours & Taxis
2o22 Luminal Lab|data collection at Winternights - VIAzuid C-TAKT SoAP
Luminal Lab|data collection at I Love Science Festival Innoviris - Tours & Taxis
Luminal Lab|research residency PILAR
2o21 Luminal Lab|data collection at Winternights - VIAzuid C-TAKT SoAP
Lecture|Cinematography in Progress Conference IMAGO - Lisbon
Luminal Lab|research residency BUDA
Luminal Lab|data collection at Theater Aan Zee
2o2o Luminal Lab|research residency at Kaaistudio (WSB)
Luminal Lab|research residency wpZIMMER
2o19 L I G H T matters|Influence on the perception of coloured light
2o17 Sisters Hope|Visiting Artist-Researcher-Teacher Sisters Academy Denmark at Den Frie København
Creating Intimate Spaces|Jean-Marie Oriot at Summer Academy De Veerman/D’harts
2o12 Cutting Space, Iris Bouche|Research Residence LightDesign at de Pianofabriek
P e r f o r m a n c e
2o19 Kunst/werk, Michele Rizzo|The house of art and beauty : Prospect <E V A>
Kopergietery|Park Katrol
2o18 Middelheimmuseum, Monster Chatwynd|Experience traps: Folding house 2
Rooftoptiger, s p a t i e|GolfGever
2016 s p a t i e|Sensor for Yoyogi
2o15 keski.e.space, s p a t i e|Tangents
2o14 s p a t i e, Made in Berchem|Parcour Tapisplein
Sammy Van den Heuvel|Groot Duet
2o11 Stof vzw, BlauwePlekken, Eric Raeves|Solo Rudolf
2o1o Gynaika vzw, bolwerK, Z33, FFC|Utopian Unemployment Project
2oo9 AndWhatBeside(s)Death vzw, Louise Chardon|Sensitive theater LaB-project
AndWhatBeside(s)Death vzw, Louise Chardon, Luk Van den Dries|Sensorama
E d u c a t i o n
2o24 RITCS| Mentor Audiovisual Arts and Stage Techniques - Personal Track, Bachelor Thesis
2o23 RITCS| Mentor Audiovisual Arts and Stage Techniques - Personal Track, Bachelor Thesis
2o22 RITCS| Mentor Audiovisual Arts and Stage Techniques - Personal Track, Bachelor Thesis
2o21 RITCS|External Jury Bachelor Stage Technics
2o2o RITCS|External Jury Bachelor Stage Technics
2o19 Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp DKO|Teacher Product design
RITCS|External Jury Bachelor Stage Technics
2o18 RITCS|Guest teacher Light Design - Lorena Oliveira Pires
2o17 OVSG|Workshop light design for teachers DKO
2o13 RITCS|Guest teacher Scenography - Leen De Graeve
2o11 Piazza dell’arte|Workshop Monumental Art & Costume design
2o1o Villanella|Villanovaprojects: guidance technics & scenography
S c e n o g r a p h y
2o22 Tuning People, Karolien Verlinden|FeL
MuhKa INBOX|Setup Video Exhibition Monique Thomaes
2o19 Hanafubuki|Diorama
Hanafubuki|Hier praten de bomen met elkaar
2o18 Theater De Spiegel, De Veerman|Curiosa for Antwerp Baroque year ’18
motschnik, verein fur feine kunst|Frosh und Tigerente
2o11 Min Hee Bervoets|CompanyCues
2o1o motschnik, verein fur feine kunst|Zeensucht
Troubleyn, Jan Fabre|The Servant of Beauty ‘internship’
de!Kunsthumaniora dans|Moving Art
2oo9 De Bovenkamer productions vzw|Orphelie in de bovenkamer
Sermoen Theatermakers, Simon De Vos|Blasted
P r o d u c t d e s i g n & W o o d C r a f t
2o18 r i n k u リ ン ク|Restauration authentic doors
2o16 Rooftoptiger, s p a t i e|GolfGever
2oo7 Reynaers Aluminium N.V.|developement burgler-resistant systems
2oo6 Velum|development form-active tent structures